Sunday, December 8, 2013

As affording cultivation and growth to shrubbery and trees

As affording cultivation and growth to shrubbery and trees

Attached to the building site should be considered the quality of the soil, as affording cultivation and growth to shrubbery and trees, - at once the ornament most effective to all domestic buildings, grateful to the eye always, as objects of admiration and beauty - delightful in the repose they offer in hours of lassitude or weariness; and to them, that indispensable feature in a perfect arrangement, the garden, both fruit and vegetable, should be added. Happily for the American, our soils are so universally adapted to the growth of vegetation in all its varieties, that hardly a farm of considerable size can be found which does not afford tolerable facilities for the exercise of all the taste which one may indulge in the cultivation of the garden as well as in the planting and growth of trees and shrubbery; and a due appropriation of these to an agreeable residence is equal in importance to the style and arrangement of the house itself.

Fonte: Rural Architecture. Farm Houses.

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