Sunday, December 8, 2013

Little progress in the arts of home embellishment

Little progress in the arts of home embellishment

Such remark is not dropped invidiously, but as a reason why we have thus far made so little progress in the arts of home embellishment, and in clustering about our habitations those innumerable attractions which win us to them sufficiently to repel the temptation so often presented to our enterprise, our ambition, or love of gain - and these not always successful - in seeking other and distant places of abode. If, then, this tendency to change - a want of attachment to any one spot - is a reason why we have been so indifferent to domestic architecture; and if the study and practice of a better system of building tends to cultivate a home feeling, why should it not be encouraged? Home attachment is a virtue. Therefore let that virtue be cherished. And if any one study tend to exalt our taste, and promote our enjoyment, let us cultivate that study to the highest extent within our reach.

Fonte: Rural Architecture. Farm Houses.

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