Friday, December 13, 2013

The business approach to this house is

The business approach to this house is

The business approach to this house is, of course, toward the stables and carriage-house, and from them should lead off the main farm-avenue.

The kitchen garden, if possible, should lie on the kitchen side of the house, where, also, should be placed the bee-house, in full sight from the windows, that their labors and swarming may be watched. In fact, the entire economy of the farm house, and its appendages, should be brought close under the eye of the household, to engage their care and watchfulness, and to interest them in all the little associations and endearments - and they are many, when properly studied out - which go to make agricultural life one of the most agreeable pursuits, if not altogether so, in which our lot in life may be cast.

Fonte: Rural Architecture. Farm Houses.

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