Monday, December 16, 2013

The rules and customs of housekeeping vary

The rules and customs of housekeeping vary

The rules and customs of housekeeping vary, in different sections of the United States, and the Canadas. These, also, enter into the estimates for certain departments of building, and must be considered in the items of expenditure.

The manner in which houses should be warmed, the ventilation, accommodation for servants and laborers, the appropriations to hospitality - all, will have a bearing on the expense, of which we cannot be the proper judge.

A sufficient time should be given, to build a house of this character. A house designed and built in a hurry, is never a satisfactory house in its occupation. A year is little enough, and if two years be occupied in its design and construction, the more acceptable will probably be its finish, and the more comfort will be added in its enjoyment.

Fonte: Rural Architecture. Farm Houses.

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